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Protect Your Transaction With A Clear Buy-Sell Agreement

Whether you are buying or selling real estate, you deserve peace of mind that your agreement provides fair legal and financial protection.

Madigan, Dahl & Harlan, P.A., can help you draft and review purchase agreements for residential and commercial properties. Our team of Minnesota attorneys has over a century of cumulative experience, and we apply our knowledge and resources to work with clients throughout the nation.

What Should A Strong Buy-Sell Agreement Include?

A good real estate contract will help both parties understand their obligations to one another. Agreements should be clear and comprehensive. Be as specific as possible about which party is responsible for each cost or obligation.

When forming a real estate agreement, be sure to address:

  • The “essentials,” including the specific property and the parties involved
  • Contingencies or special conditions such as those involving property inspections
  • The earnest money deposit amount and other payment details
  • Closing costs of the transaction, for which both the buyer and seller might share responsibility
  • The closing date and terms of possession, which signify the official transfer of ownership

Contracts that lack critical information or contain unfair terms may lead to a dispute after you finalize the transaction. Therefore, it is important to have legal help when drafting or evaluating the agreement to minimize the chances of a problem arising later. If you have questions about any terms of your agreement, do not hesitate to talk to a qualified real estate attorney.

Review Your Real Estate Contract With An Attorney

Minimize the risks involved with a real estate transaction by consulting with an experienced lawyer at Madigan, Dahl & Harlan, P.A. Call 612-604-2000 or email us in Minneapolis to get thorough counsel for your purchase or sale today.