Helping Clients With Entity Formations
At Madigan, Dahl & Harlan, P.A., we build close, collaborative relationships with our business clients. In many cases, these relationships begin in the early stages of a business launch, when an entrepreneur is preparing for startup or taking an existing enterprise to the next level. After engaging us for entity selection and business startup services, clients typically continue to rely on our team for their ongoing legal needs.
Our Minneapolis-based business formation attorneys take the time to explore clients’ visions and genuinely understand their key objectives. We apply decades of experience serving clients across many industries and sectors — supporting their growth initiatives, executing key transactions, and answering their commercial litigation and dispute resolution needs.
Turn To Insightful St. Paul Area Incorporation And Entity Formation Attorneys
We are flexible in adapting to business leaders’ individual communication and management styles, whether intensely engaged or more “hands-off.” Our range of business services throughout startup and beyond includes:
- Guidance in selecting the optimal entity — such as a limited liability company (LLC), a partnership or a specific type of corporation — based on considerations including personal liability, tax exposure and the client’s long-term vision
- Diligence and attention to detail in completing all necessary government filings and drafting necessary foundational documents and agreements for the company
- Addressing workplace policies, contract issues and other matters of employment law during formation and throughout the life of the business
- Managing all aspects of purchases and leases of commercial real estate, as well as other high-value transactions such as mergers and acquisitions
- Sharing our network of resources to assist in the development of an extended business team that may include an accountant, business insurance representative and other professionals
If your objectives include forming an LLC, starting a corporation or founding any other business entity, please consider turning to our nimble, value-focused Minnesota law firm for the services you need. Call 612-604-2000 today or contact us online anytime to request a consultation directly with a knowledgeable business formation lawyer.